
根據大聯盟官網報導,藍鳥隊以7年總值2200萬美元合約(約台幣7億元)綁下古巴好手Lourdes Gurriel Jr.,Gurriel Jr.出自古巴棒球世家,是古巴名將Lourdes Gourriel Delgado之子,哥哥則是效力於太空人隊的Yulieski Gourriel,一家都是棒球好手。

Gurriel Jr.的父親是古巴傳奇名將,縱橫古巴棒壇20年,留下打擊率0.323和247支全壘打,退休後也擔任古巴聯賽Sancti Spíritus總教練一職。23歲的Gurriel Jr.是家中排行最小的弟弟,2個哥哥都是棒球好手,3人曾於去年同時入選古巴國家隊來台參加世界12強棒球賽。

▲二哥Yulieski Gourriel效力於太空人隊。(圖/美聯社/達志影像)

去年Gurriel Jr.在古巴棒球聯賽出賽43場,繳出0.321的打擊率,外帶8支全壘打及32分打點,速度及守備能力都非常優異,是個內、外野都能勝任的工具人,Gurriel Jr.加盟藍鳥後預計會先從小聯盟出發。


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FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2016, file photo Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander delivers a pitch against the Atlanta Braves during a baseball game in Atlanta. Detroit's Verlander and Miguel Cabrera could be ... 較多FILE - In this Oct. 2, 2016, file photo Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander delivers a pitch against the Atlanta Braves during a baseball game in Atlanta. Detroit's Verlander and Miguel Cabrera could be available for the right price. Not even a week has passed since the Chicago Cubs won their first World Series title in more than a century, and teams already are involved in trade talk as they position themselves for 2017 and the future. (AP Photo/John Amis, File) 較少

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Associated Press | 拍攝者 John Amis, File

2016年11月9日週三 台北標準時間上午9時12分

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